
湖北普照图片信息建筑资料是有限的工厂是中国国家全球现真正全家从事正规专业高精准度光掩膜基版建筑资料(匀胶铬版)技术创新、生产加工与销售额的正规专业工厂。 企业始创于200几年9月,最靠近重庆祖国高新产业的发展群的技术产业的发展群搭建区麓谷,申请注册资源金10596.52万元,由云南电子无线新信息产业的发展群群体有局限企业控投,然后管控人因云南湘投控投群体有局限企业。 品牌使用所选世界里最先进集体生產、在线检测好产品和制作方法工艺技能,构建品牌匠心独具技能,建于就能够生產75×75mm至700×800mm各种类型尺寸规格的溅射匀胶铬版生產线,好产品宽泛APP于一种新型小米平板电脑屏幕上显示器材、集成系统电路原理、协调光电器件、线路图板、微纳加工生产及脉冲光防伪查询等几种行业的光掩膜制作方法。 集团公司闭眼于高、与时俱进国内的的、朝着世纪。世纪创一流的装置和方法,最高的美观室度高于10级的超美观室办公楼,或是物理学严厉的车辆设备的质量的保障安全体系,保护了车辆设备“零的缺陷”、高精密度较的的质量,车辆设备级别不禁填平国内的的空缺,在世界上亦高于发达级别。 新素材技术转变当今世间,短信指引第二天!普照素材将在高新素材技术短信素材方面不懈开拓革新,延续革新,领先地位我国,同样当今世间,并愿完成与您内的真正企业合作,共筑輝煌第二天!

Hunan Omnisun Information Materials Co., Ltd (OIM) is the only one at present in China specially for R&D, production and marketing of Chrome Mask Blanks with high precision and “Zero-Defect” quality. Located in Changsha National High-Tech Development Zone of Hunan Province, OIM was founded in August, 2003, with a registered capital of 105.96 Million RMB. It is held by Hunan Electronic Information Industry Group Co., Ltd. (HEC) who is also a company held by Hunan Xiangtou Holdings Group Co., Ltd. With currently the most advanced technologies, processes and equipments, combined with self-innovation, we have established a sputtering production line for Chrome Mask Blanks, with products specifications ranging from 75×75mm to 700×800mm. Our products are widely applied in various industries like flat panel displays (FPD), integrated circuits (IC), fine optical, circuit board, micro-nano processing, laser anti-counterfeit and so on. The “zero defect” and high precision quality of products are guaranteed by  the world-class equipments, technologies and process, clean-room workshops of up to Grade 10, and strict quality assurance system. The products have not only filled up the domestic blank, changing the history that the mask blanks relied on import for long time, but also developed to the first class in the world. Science and technology change the world, and the information leads the future. We will devote ourselves to R&D and innovation of this industry, endeavor to maintain our leading position in China and keep in pace with the world. And we sincerely hope to work and cooperate with you today, to create together a prosperous tomorrow.

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