
贵州普照消息的原原料比较有限工厂是中全球地全球现今真正唯一的二家转行精度等级光掩膜基版的原原料(匀胶铬版)加工制造、加工与销量的专业课程厂。 新平台创造于2003-5年9月,为于成都地方高新区技术工艺高新房产建设区麓谷,注测资源金10596.5三万元,由江苏智能相关信息高新房产实业平台不多新平台控投企业,终极操作关键在于江苏湘投控投企业实业平台不多新平台。 单位进行当下宇宙最最新产生、检查制造设备相应工艺工艺枝术,组合单位独特枝术,建于就可以产生75×75mm至700×800mm不同型号规格的溅射匀胶铬版产生线,企业产品普遍应用于新型产品uv提示 元器、智能家居控制路线图、精细化光学仪器、路线图板、微纳工艺及缴光仿伪等很多第三产业的光掩膜制造。 装修公司睁开眼睛于高端大气、树立内地、面向于生活。生活标杆的机器设备和艺,很高卫生室度可达10级的超卫生室工业厂房,各类专业苛刻的性能绝对网络体系,绝对了护肤品“零缺点”、高导致精度的的品质,护肤品技术不仅仅增强内地空白一片,在國際上亦可达优秀技术。 科技革新革新变化游戏天下,问题内容诱导未来生活!普照用料将在高新革新革新问题内容用料业务领域专注锤炼,持续性革新,当先全国,同样游戏天下,并愿完成与您直接的认真企业合作,共进腾飞接下来!

Hunan Omnisun Information Materials Co., Ltd (OIM) is the only one at present in China specially for R&D, production and marketing of Chrome Mask Blanks with high precision and “Zero-Defect” quality. Located in Changsha National High-Tech Development Zone of Hunan Province, OIM was founded in August, 2003, with a registered capital of 105.96 Million RMB. It is held by Hunan Electronic Information Industry Group Co., Ltd. (HEC) who is also a company held by Hunan Xiangtou Holdings Group Co., Ltd. With currently the most advanced technologies, processes and equipments, combined with self-innovation, we have established a sputtering production line for Chrome Mask Blanks, with products specifications ranging from 75×75mm to 700×800mm. Our products are widely applied in various industries like flat panel displays (FPD), integrated circuits (IC), fine optical, circuit board, micro-nano processing, laser anti-counterfeit and so on. The “zero defect” and high precision quality of products are guaranteed by  the world-class equipments, technologies and process, clean-room workshops of up to Grade 10, and strict quality assurance system. The products have not only filled up the domestic blank, changing the history that the mask blanks relied on import for long time, but also developed to the first class in the world. Science and technology change the world, and the information leads the future. We will devote ourselves to R&D and innovation of this industry, endeavor to maintain our leading position in China and keep in pace with the world. And we sincerely hope to work and cooperate with you today, to create together a prosperous tomorrow.

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